
Class Hall Bar Elvui

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Class Hall Bar Elvui 6,9/10 6809 reviews
  1. Elvui Class Order Hall Bar
  2. Elvui Remove Blizzard Bar

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* Updated for 8.2
* Updated progression for Palace and fixed BoD
* Fix for https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/94
* small change for https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/91
* Fix for ElvUI 10.88 (https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/91)
* Progression updated with Battle of Dazar'alor and Crucible of Storms
* Updated for 8.1
* Progression tooltip was not working
* Added progession tooltip for Uldir (Thanks fang2hou)
* Minimapbar improvements
* Optimalisation to remove micro stutter.
* Added functionalty for multiple columns in the minimap bar. (beta)
* Fix for lua error when in instance. Issue https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/75
* Added WarResources datatext based on the classhall datatext from ElvUI
* Extra fixing for garrison icon
* Partial Fix for https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/74 see issue for details.
* Fixed iLvl Datatext hover lua error - https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/50
* Fixed LUA error in Map Cord - https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/67
* Fixed Auto release in PvP - https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/65
* Fixed healglow - https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/62
* Fixed GPS erros - https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/61
* Fixed https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/55
* Fixed GPS module as a whole. Now only works in the open world. following Blizzards restrictions.
* Fixed https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/59
* Fixed https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/57
* Name change to BfA
* Fix https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/48
* Fixed lua error in minimap module
* Updated for Wow8
* Updated name to BtS
* Fixed minimap module
* Fixed equipment module
* Fixed bag module
* Fixed some settings that where note showing anymore
* Updated LibRangeCheck lib
* Fix some paperdoll itemlvl bugs.
* Progression Tooltip - Raid order changed to release order.
Fixed https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/40
Fixed https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/36
Updated progression for 7.3 (Removed EmN, added Antorus)
* Fix for 7.3 - changed menu option to the latest ElvUI
* Updated TOC
* Added Tomb of Sargeras to progression tooltip
* Fixed LUA error (https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/31)
* Updating progression tooltip with new raids
* fixed bug in calculation artifact iLVL (https://mods.curse.com/addons/wow/elvui-enhanced-again?comment=78)
* fixed missing equipmentset in equipmentset change feature
* updated API Deprecated_7_2_0 GetEquipmentSetInfo
* fixed LUA error (https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/28)
* version updated to 7.2
* removed TargetNearestUseOld feature since Blizzard reverted the tab targerting to pre-wow (by default)
* fixed bug #16 (https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/16)
* fixed hide roleicon on combat (https://github.com/nickbock/ElvUI_Enhanced_Again/issues/14)
* updated locationtext for wow 7.1 changes
* fixed lua error for elvui-10.24
* remove chatmessage for oldtabtarget
* Updated progression check to Legion 7.0 raids.
* Added an option to enable the pre legion tab targeting system. You will find this option in the general ElvUI settings. It applies the '/console TargetNearestUseOld 1' command automatically when you logon.
* Itemlevel for twohanded artifact weapons fixed - Thanks q3fuba for the help!
* When entering the game and a Class Hall mission is complete the alert broke the itemlvl update. This is now fixed.
* This update breaks support for older version of ElvUI.
* Updated the ElvUI Enhanced config to work with the latest ElvUI update (10.17+).
* Everyone should update to the latest ElvUI (10.19).
* If you don't update you need to keep using 3.2.0-beta1.
* Changed name of the add-on and switched curseforge project
* Moved the DataText toggles to the correct settings panel
* Small localization updates
* fixed alignment bugs in the minimap enhancement (#29, #28)
* Disabled the Farmer module in preparation of deleting the module
* Correctly disable nameplate module (caused lua errors for some people)
* Updated the equipment changer to the new spec system
* Made the minimapbuttons fix a bit more general (tickets 24, 23)
* Disabled Eclipse bar libs and functions (thanks whurt74)
* Fixed small UI alignment bug in the minimap locatioin text
* Fixed tapped-bug (Thanks belechannas for the tip)
* Fixed minimapbuttons (GarrisonLandingPageMinimapButton-fix)
* Started work on update for 7.0.3 en ElvUI 10+
* updated toc file to new WoW version
* updated LibBalancePowerTracker to version LibBalancePowerTracker-2.0
* updated config.lua to work with ElvUi >10
* updated minimap buttons
* updated minimap bar
* updated target class icons
* disabled nameplate enhancements (for now)
* added HFC to progression tooltip
* progression info is not updated or shown while in combat. This is to fix the performance problems while use mouseover spells during combat.
* bumb version for 6.2.0
* fixed bug with garrison button skinning
* fixed bug: 5-pet-battles-and-garrison-button-skin-error-in-the-minimap/
* Fixed role icons hiding in combat
* Removed the option 'Auto role icon' since this is now a feature of WoW and ElvUI it self.
* Fixed bug when entering or leaving a raid. (Ticket: 4-lua-error-when-i-enter-in-raid)
* Changed the color of the enhanced settings.
* Minimapbar: Added the option to add the Garrison button to the minimap button bar. (General -> Minimap Button Bar)
* Minimapbar: Added the option to add the Calendar button to the minimap button bar. (General -> Minimap Button Bar)
* Minimapbar: Error with minimapbar in No Anchor mode and TradeSkillMaster. Workaround for the error in place. icon position is not saved on reload.
* Minimapbar: Bugfix where in no anchor mode the position of the icons would reset onclick.
* HealGlow: updated Wild Mushroom SpellId
* HealGlow: Added Paladin Daybreak
* HealGlow: Fixed for flexraid frames
Known Issue:
* TradeSkillMaster icon position in NO ANCHOR mode is not saved.
* updated to 6.1.0
* fixed location bar position. thanks pletfjerner@curse for the report.
* fixed raidmarkerbar illegal interface actions error
* Removed Garrison icon from the minimapbutton due to bug. I will re-add it as an option and when i fix the bug.
* Updated welcome message.
* Raidmarkerbar: Updated the bar to hide when leaving a party/group.
* Raidmarkerbar: Added the option 'Always Visible'.
* Raidmarkerbar: Fixed the tooltip of the 'remove marks' button.
* Progression: Fixed spelling.
* MinimapButtons: Added the Garrison Icon to the MinimapButtons bar
* MinimapButtons: Fixed the Calendar button.
2015-02-09 (3.0.6)
* Updated the progression module for WoD. modules/tooltip/progression.lua
* The progression module now shows relevant progression. It stops showing lower levels of a tier on a full clear.
2014-11-24 (3.0.5)
* Changed modulesdatatextsextratexts.lua#201 with suggested errorfix from Zamma@Curseforge related to Datatexts. Thanks :)
2014-10-26 (3.0.4)
* Changed misc/questreward.lua to properly skin rewards (Thanks Shenj@Curse)
* Changed hooksecure updatesettings in modules/maps/minimaplocation.lua to align buff bar with minimap
* Added changes to Libs/LibBalancePowerTracker-1.1 for Druid Eclipse changes (Thanks N30Ex@Curseforge)
* Added modules/watchframe again; (Thanks to kkthnxbyegaming@Curse)
* Modified misc/QuestReward.lua to remove error messages with single and multi-reward quest. It should now autopick the one with the highest value (like before).
* Removed WatchFrame
* Modified Elvui_Enhanced.toc for version 6.0 UI
* Modified misc/PaperDoll.lua to show correct item level (with upgrades)
* Modified misc/QuestReward.lua to no longer give error messages
* MOdified misc/Raidmarkers.lua with accurate markers (Credits jessehulsey@TukUI)
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Hello there I was wondering if anyone knows what this bar is/does and how to get rid of it. It suddently popped up out of nowhere I probably messed some keybinding up.
Its not in ElvUI since its not an anchor that I can drag around.
Anyone knows?
It dissapeared, It only appears when im near my class hall I guess? Or in maelstrom that is.

True mvp thx!
I hate this bar.Blizzard need to make it removable.
Here is a macro to toggle visibility:
/run local alpha =OrderHallCommandBar:GetAlpha(); if (alpha0) then OrderHallCommandBar:SetAlpha(1); else OrderHallCommandBar:SetAlpha(0); end
Here is a macro to toggle visibility:

Shortened it a bit for you
/run OrderHallCommandBar:SetAlpha(1-OrderHallCommandBar:GetAlpha())
What's wrong with this bar? :o
I'm using a Broker bar (in this case ChocolateBar), which causes the class hall bar to appear a centimetre further down the screen. This puts it over the top of parts of my unit frames and buff bars. As a result, I can't see and/or mouse over some buffs/debuffs, so I can't see what they are. Most commonly, another player's mount.
Given how little functionality the class hall bar offers compared to how much room it takes up (even if it isn't overlapping stuff), I also chose to hide it immediately.
The link above doesn't work (404 error), so here's another addon that hides it:
I use Titan Panel, and Titan seems to just appear on top of the order hall bar, effectively hiding it :p
In fact, having HideOrderHallBar enabled seems to cause problems for me, because Titan pushes unit frames and minimap down a bit on its own.
Having the other add-on enabled to hide the bar, whenever I gain or lose a buff while in my order hall, it keeps snapping my unit frames and buffs frame back up, where Titan pushes them back down. Then it happens again, and again, and again, etc.
Although it seems that since having downloaded it, they made a few updates to the add-on to implement their own hiding of the order hall bar, but eh this already works for me so I'm not gonna bother, lol.
In fact, having HideOrderHallBar enabled seems to cause problems for me, because Titan pushes unit frames and minimap down a bit on its own.
Having the other add-on enabled to hide the bar, whenever I gain or lose a buff while in my order hall, it keeps snapping my unit frames and buffs frame back up, where Titan pushes them back down. Then it happens again, and again, and again, etc.

Yeah, the v1.2 release of HideOrderHallBar should fix this, but Titan Panel is indeed updated now for that as well

Elvui Class Order Hall Bar

Heh, I just wonder why they needed to include that in because my titan panel seemed to already show up on top of the bar, effectively hiding it. :p
31/08/2016 07:49Posted by Etel
Here is a macro to toggle visibility:
Shortened it a bit for youClass Hall Bar Elvui

Elvui Remove Blizzard Bar

/run OrderHallCommandBar:SetAlpha(1-OrderHallCommandBar:GetAlpha())
Thanks! I am a script noob and had not seen that 1- version before, genius!
31/08/2016 07:49Posted by Etel
Here is a macro to toggle visibility:
Shortened it a bit for you
/run OrderHallCommandBar:SetAlpha(1-OrderHallCommandBar:GetAlpha())
Thank you. Was looking for this.
Shortened it a bit for you
/run OrderHallCommandBar:SetAlpha(1-OrderHallCommandBar:GetAlpha())
Shortened it a bit for you/run local o=OrderHallCommandBar o:SetAlpha(1-o:GetAlpha())
Shortened it a bit for you

Usually I only do that when a variable is used 3 times or more x)
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