Kotor 2 Tsf Bounty
When you land at the Citadel Station you’ll be thrown in force cages. Someone will come in to kill you. When the force cage is taken down kill the assassin. The TSF forces will arrive and place you under house arrest. While waiting to be released you’ll be visited by an Ithorian and then receive a call from Jana Lorso. Batono was handed to the TSF safely and he thanked Surik. Grenn then gave 300 credits to Surik. Behind the scenes Edit. Alternatively, for the dark side choice, the player can kill Batono and go to Jana Lorso to claim the reward of 200 credits for his elimination.
Ok so I have talked to Lt. Dol Grenn about the Escaped Criminals and I have the quest in my journal...
But for some reason the criminals are not there at where Jana Lorso is! I've tried to get them every time I completed a quest and they never were there...
I helped the ithorians and I have completed every quest (from Telos) except the Escaped Criminals quest ofc.
I tried then my last option and save + leave Telos to the restoration area and well that didn't work because the criminals weren't there where they should have.
I have NO idea what I did wrong and I don't know if this is a bug or not. Please inform me of anything that could help.
Inside Slusks office he asks what your motives are, and you reply that you simply want him dead. During this final conversation with Slusk, Luxa enters the room with her band of thugs. Do not threaten to kill her while intimidating Slusk or you will have to fight both of them at the same time. Instead, kill Slusk and then deal with Luxa. She will try to subdue you after the battle and another fight takes place. Kill her Gamorrean guards first, then focus your team on her.
After the battle there are two containers and a footlocker in the room that can be searched. Speak to Kreia about her past to see a cinema involving her and other Sith. Then, ask her about constructing a lightsaber in order to become a more powerful member of the Sith and you will gain experience and dark side points.
Czerka Offices Attacked
Since you have completed the missions involving the exchange, return to the Czerka offices to find them being attacked by mercenaries. There are four mercenaries in the Lobby armed with blaster rifles. You can attack them through the walls with force lightning. Deeper into the offices there are four more mercenaries who are accompanied by two combat droids. Use the stun droid force power to get an edge on them.
As you enter the main hall where Jana Lorso works you will face another group of mercenaries. After the battle, demand a reward from Lorso, then tell her that the exchange has been taken care of. She will reward your party with credits and inform you that a shuttle is waiting at docking bay 3 that will take you to the planet's surface. Leave the offices and take the lift to the cantina level. At docking bay three you can bribe the secretary behind the desk for information related to the Flase Batu mission. Before you leave, you will receive a crucial lightsaber fixture from the Duros behind the desk at the docking bay.
<a name='24'></a>Side Quests
Downstairs, outside of the Cantina you will encounter a couple humans who are harassing an offworlder. Tell them to teach him a lesson to earn dark side points after they kill him.
Inside the cantina you can engage in swoop racing and games of pazaak to win credits.
Kotor 2 Tsf Bounty Escaped Criminals
There is a thug in front of the Bumani Exchange corp offices. Pick a fight with him and kill him to earn dark side points. He will always be replaced by another thug after you kill him off. This can be useful for experience points.
In Apartment complex A, search the northern dormitory's footlocker and the inhabitant will confront your party. Threaten him and then take his life to earn dark side points. Search his body to find an armor upgrade. You can also search the apartment next to this one to find a footlocker.
Twi'lek Dancer - Also in apartment complex A, in room 1, there is a man who complains of loosing his girlfriend in a game of pazaak. This Twi'lek can be found dancing in the Cantina. Speak to the Twi'lek man watching the dancers to try to win her back in another game of pazaak. Before entering the game, be sure to buy some better cards from the woman near the swoop racing entry desk. If you win the card game, the slave becomes yours, however if you loose you will give up 1000 credits. Be sure to save the game before entering the match. If you win the card game you will be rewarded with the dancer. You can either return her to her boyfriend for light side points, or keep her as your slave for dark side points. If you choose to keep her, you can collect money from her whenever you return to the cantina on Telos.
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