
Can The Subaltern Speak? Pdf

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As poststructuralism would have it, human consciousness is constructed discursively. Our subjectivity is constructed by the shifting discourses of power which endlessly speak through us, situating us here and there in particular positions and relations. In these terms we are not the authors of ourselves. We do not construct our identities, we have it written for us; the subject cannot be sovereign over the construction of selfhood. Instead the subject is decentered, in that its consciousness is always being constructed from positions outside of itself. It follows then that the individual is not a transparent representation of the self but an effect of discourse. Spivak argues that surprisingly for these figures, when Foucault and Deleuze talks about oppressed groups such as the working classes they fall back into precisely these uncritical notions of ‘sovereign subjects’ by restoring to them a fully centred consciousness. In addition they also assume that the writing of intellectuals such as themselves can serve as a transparent medium through which the voices of the oppressed can be represented. The intellectual is cast as a reliable mediator for the voices of the oppressed, a mothpiece through which the oppressed can clearly speak.Spivak articulates her reasons for her worries in the first part of the essay, applying MICHEL FOUCAULT's understanding of 'epistemic violence' to the 'remotely orchestrated, far-flung, and heterogeneous project to
  1. Subaltern Theory
  2. Spivak Can The Subaltern Speak Pdf

In 'Can the Subaltern Speak?' , Spivak encourages but also criticizes the efforts of the subaltern studies group, a project led by Ranajit Guha that has reappropriated Gramsci's term 'subaltern' (the economically dispossesed) in order to locate and re-establish a 'voice' or collective locus of agency in postcolonial India. Read this article to know about Can the Subaltern Speak Summary by Gayatri Spivak. Can the subaltern speak Gayatri Spivak. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak a postcolonial Theory calls herself 'a practical Marxist feminist deconstructionist'. She discourages and dismantles western centers and challenges there over history. Pdf Book Can The Subaltern Speak Download Can The Subaltern Speak Book was writen by Rosalind C. Morris and release on 2013-08-13 by Columbia University Press preview Download 0910Ross Spivak Subaltern - The University of Nottingham - a.

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Can The Subaltern Speak

Author : Rosalind C. Morris
ISBN : 0231143850
Genre : Literary Criticism
File Size : 82. 55 MB
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Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak's 1988 essay Can the Subaltern Speak? introduced questions of gender and sexual difference into analyses of representation and offering a profound critique of both subaltern history and radical Western philosophy. Spivak's eloquent and uncompromising arguments engaged with more than just power, politics, and the postcolonial. They confronted the methods of deconstruction, the contemporary relevance of Marxism, the international division of labor, and capitalism's worlding of the world, calling attention to the historical and ideological factors that efface the possibility of being heard. Since the publication of Spivak's essay, the work has been revered, reviled, misread, and misappropriated. It has been cited, invoked, imitated, and critiqued. In these phenomenal essays, eight scholars take stock of this response. They begin by contextualizing the piece within the development of subaltern and postcolonial studies and the quest for human rights, and then they think with Spivak's essay about historical problems of subalternity, voicing, and death. A final section situates Spivak's work in the contemporary world, particularly through readings of new international divisions of labor and the politics of silence among indigenous women of Guatemala and Mexico. In an afterword, Spivak herself looks at the interpretations of her essay and its future incarnations, while specifying some of the questions and histories that remain secreted in the original and revised versions of Can the Subaltern Speak? -- both of which are reprinted in this book.

Can The Subaltern Speak

Author : Graham Riach
ISBN : 9781351350235
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Subaltern Theory

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A key theme of Gayatri Spivak's work is agency: the ability of the individual to make their own decisions. While Spivak's main aim is to consider ways in which 'subalterns' - her term for the indigenous dispossessed in colonial societies - were able to achieve agency, this paper concentrates specifically on describing the ways in which western scholars inadvertently reproduce hegemonic structures in their work. Spivak is herself a scholar, and she remains acutely aware of the difficulty and dangers of presuming to 'speak' for the subalterns she writes about. As such, her work can be seen as predominantly a delicate exercise in the critical thinking skill of interpretation; she looks in detail at issues of meaning, specifically at the real meaning of the available evidence, and her paper is an attempt not only to highlight problems of definition, but to clarify them. What makes this one of the key works of interpretation in the Macat library is, of course, the underlying significance of this work. Interpretation, in this case, is a matter of the difference between allowing subalterns to speak for themselves, and of imposing a mode of 'speaking' on them that - however well-intentioned - can be as damaging in the postcolonial world as the agency-stifling political structures of the colonial world itself. By clearing away the detritus of scholarly attempts at interpretation, Spivak takes a stand against a specifically intellectual form of oppression and marginalization.

Can The Subaltern Speak

Author : Gayatri Spivalc
ISBN : OCLC:614821484
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Spivak Can The Subaltern Speak Pdf

Beginning Postcolonialism

Author : John McLeod
ISBN : 0719052092
Genre : Literary Criticism
File Size : 36. 65 MB
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Postcolonialism has become one of the most exciting, expanding and challenging areas of literary and cultural studies today. Designed especially for those studying the topic for the first time, Beginning Postcolonialism introduces the major areas of concern in a clear, accessible, and organized fashion. It provides an overview of the emergence of postcolonialism as a discipline and closely examines many of its important critical writings.

The Post Colonial Studies Reader

ISBN : 0415096227
Genre : Colonies in literature
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The Post-Colonial Studies Readeris the most comprehensive selection of key texts in post-colonial theory and criticism yet compiled. This collection covers a huge range of topics, featuring nearly ninety of the discipline's most widely read works. TheReader's90 extracts are designed to introduce the major issues and debates in the field of post-colonial literary studies. This field itself, however, has become so varied that no collection of readings could encompass every voice which is now giving itself the name 'post-colonial.' The editors, in order to avoid a volume which is simply a critical canon, have selected works representing arguments with which they do not necessarily agree, but rather which above all stimulate discussion, thought and further exploration. Post-colonial 'theory' has occurred in all societies into which the imperial force of Europe has intruded, though not always in the official form oftheoretical text. Like the description of any other field the term has come to mean many things, but this volume hinges on one incontestable phenomenon: the 'historical fact'of colonialism, and the palpable consequences to which this phenomenon gave rise. The topic involves talk about experience of various kinds: migration, slavery, suppression, resistance, representation, difference, race, gender, place, and reaction to the European influence, and about the fundamental experiences of speaking and writing by which all these come into being. In compiling this reader, the editors have sought to stimulate people to ask: 'How might a genuinely post-colonial literary enterprise proceed?' The fourteen sections include: Issues and Debates; Universality and Difference; Textual Representation and Resistance; Postmodernism and Post-Colonialism; Nationalism; Hybridity; Ethnicity and Indigenity; Feminism and Post-Colonialism; Language; The Body and Performance; History; Place; Education; and Production andConsumption. Contributors include many of the leading post-colonial theorists and critics--such as Franz Fanon, Chinua Achebe, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Homi Bhabba, Derek Walcott, Edward Said, and Trinh T. Minh-ha--in addition to a number of the discourse's newer voices.The Post-Colonial Studies Readerwill prove an authoritative compilation, representing an invaluable contribution to the study of post-colonial theory and criticism.

Representing The Subaltern

Author : Ola Abdalkafor
ISBN : 3846523674
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Undoubtedly, the Indian postcolonial critic Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak contributed a lot to postcolonial studies in general and subaltern studies in particular. Spivak is known for her resort to different discourses simultaneously such as: Marxism, psychoanalysis, deconstruction and feminism. 'Can the Subaltern Speak?' is one of her most prominent and notoriously difficult articles. Therefore, the aim of this work is offering a smooth movement from one discourse to another in one of Spivak's most complicated and debatable works. It is an attempt to benefit the readers of this work, especially students, by clarifying part of the network that brings Spivak together with Marx and Foucault in a simple way.

Imperative Zur Neuerfindung Des Planeten

Author : Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
ISBN : 3709200784
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Marxism And The Interpretation Of Culture

Author : Cary Nelson
ISBN : 0252014014
Genre : Literary Criticism
File Size : 26. 3 MB
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The Subaltern Speak

Author : Michael W. Apple
ISBN : 9781136079061
Genre : Education
File Size : 43. 87 MB
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The question of whose perspective, experience and history is privileged in educational institutions has shaped curriculum debates for decades. In this insightful collection, Michael W. Apple and Kristen L. Buras interrogate the notion that some knowledge is worth more than others. The Subaltern Speak combines an analysis of the ways in which various forms of power now operate, with a specific focus on spaces in which subaltern groups act to reassert their own perceived identities, cultures and histories.

Is Canada Postcolonial

Author : Laura Moss
ISBN : 9781554587568
Genre : Literary Criticism
File Size : 56. 14 MB
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How can postcolonialism be applied to Canadian literature? In all that has been written about postcolonialism, surprisingly little has specifically addressed the position of Canada, Canadian literature, or Canadian culture. Postcolonialism is a theory that has gained credence throughout the world; it is be productive to ask if and how we, as Canadians, participate in postcolonial debates. It is also vital to examine the ways in which Canada and Canadian culture fit into global discussions as our culture reflects how we interact with our neighbours, allies, and adversaries. This collection wrestles with the problems of situating Canadian literature in the ongoing debates about culture, identity, and globalization, and of applying the slippery term of postcolonialism to Canadian literature. The topics range in focus from discussions of specific literary works to general theoretical contemplations. The twenty-three articles in this collection grapple with the recurrent issues of postcolonialism — including hybridity, collaboration, marginality, power, resistance, and historical revisionism — from the vantage point of those working within Canada as writers and critics. While some seek to confirm the legitimacy of including Canadian literature in the discussions of postcolonialism, others challenge this very notion.

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